By X'roy Bogel Labour Day 2020 Today we celebrate International Labour Day like we have done for many years but this day will be different, very very different and sadly so. The day the Malaysian workers are supposed to be celebrating the "Crowning Glory' of their sacrifices from yesteryears, to see the country emerge as a "Fully Developed Nation" Vision 2020, sees the workers lamenting because this can't be so and not through their own doing by that of the people entrusted to lead them in this effort who failed them miserably by Corruption, Nepotism and Cronyism. Did I say celebrate? Celebration is really a misnomer of sorts, because there is absolutely no reason to celebrate, in fact today the 1st of May 2020 was supposed to be a day the world would ahve saluted the Malaysian worker for making the nation a fully developed nation. Once a common site in the Kinta and Klang Valleys. Now all gone That did not happen and not because of ...
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