By F.T Rozario IF THERE IS ONE THING YOU CAN'T TAKE FROM ME IT IS THE VERSES OF A SONG. click here and listen to this song first: Our Social Contract was written in song and sung throughout the length and breadth of Malaysia, only to be taken out of the air during the Mahatherian era, the era of Mahathirism and Ketuanan Melayu. MORE THAN JUST A SOCIAL CONTRACT. UMNO led by Mahathir and his successors reneged on this Social Contract, in fact not a Social Contract but the actual fundamental contractual terms of the formation of Malaysia. The key words of this contract were ; DARI PERLIS SAMPAILAH KE SABAH KITA SUDAH MERDEKA . and SATU BANGSA SATU NEGARA MALAYSIA BERJAYA The lyrics of the song in its original form is copied here for you to see, and if there is real Malay dignity then that dignity must be seen here respecting this the original foundation of the...
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