by X'roy Bogel 8th May 2021 ARE THE CARELESS AND RECKLESS HANDLING OF THE CURRENT COVID 19 CRISIS BEING DONE WITH ULTERIOR MOTIVES IN MIND? IN TERMS OF TOTAL INFECTIONS WE ARE JUST 0.25 % LESS THAN INDIA WHEN COMPARED WITH POPULATION - IN INDIA IT IS UNCONTROLLABLE - IS IT THE SAME FOR US AS NUMBERS BEGIN TO ESCALATE ?* Infectivity is more severe with each mutation we have five mutated versions in Malaysia In Karnataka the state government has declared a total lock down for the state, they did not have to consult the central authorities, why could Kelantan not do the same, weren't they asking for a full lockdown? In October of 2020 this blog warned of such a situation, we warned that if we did not lockdown - have a full MCO, then it would become more expensive to shut down later and if we wait any longer it's going to be even worse, now isn't that the case now? I pe...
Your alternative media in Malaysia, to give you the news you are not being given.