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In a press conference today, Muhyiddin said that Malaysia will be getting the vaccine before the end of the year. — Bernama pic

 The Vaccine is yet to be approve there is no vaccine todate, obviously misleading the rakyat.

 Muhyiddin hastily arranged a Press conference immediately after Anwar's visit to the Agong and one wonders what he was trying to do.

He hardly had any such conference prior to this,  it was all his monologue via national TV so why today's question and answer session?

Well it was quite clear he was trying extremely hard to justify  all the actions taken by him and his government and trying his level best to hide the fact that today's cases of the dangerous Covid 19 escalation was their doing and theirs alone.

Ordinary Malaysians through the alternative media expressed shock as to why people including Ministers and politicians were exempt from quarantined on their return from Sabah after September 21.

The Government just said it was not necessary and that too without reason when any reasonable person would have known that with  the rate and amount of infections in Sabah during their recent State elections and also with the fact that Zahid and at east other prominent UMNO person was first tested positive for covid19 on their return from Sabah, it would be compulsory for anyone coming into any other state in the country there would be a need for testing and quarantine.

Knowing this the government decided to take a chance and the only reason I can think about them having done so is so that the returning politicians could come back and continue with their businesses employees working in the public and private sector could go back to work.

The decision was a case of being, "Penny wise and Pound foolish " and today's situation proves that and his current thinking exposed at the press conference reveals that.

Today the CMCO is costing so much more than what it would have cost to quarantine the returnees from Sabah

The decision is "STUPID AND IDIOTIC," he does not seem to understand what "EXPONENTIAL" is,   so for his benefit and the idiots who surround him let me make this clear, let me explain it in the simplest of terms.  

The spread of this disease is exactly the way the Multilevel Level Marketing (MLM) Organizations grow their Organisations.

An MLM starts with the recruitment of their first Distributor. Well the Covid 19 also began with the infection of its first human being. 

Then what happens in the MLM is the first distributor acquires a lot of product from the Company, he now sells to potential  recruits them, he may recruit 8 new members so now he has 8 members in his organization, but because of the nature of the organization he teaches his 8 members to go recruit 8 members each for  themselves and they do exactly what he did and the organization of the first distributor now grows to  64 members who do the same thing then you have 64X8 at the next level and that is 512, then they go to the next level and organization grows to 4096 people then at the fifth level it grows to 4096x4 and that yields 32768 people that is exponential growth.

At the fifth level it yields 32768that first distributor has an organisation of 32768 members.

One of his more successful members now breaks away from him, and whilst we only monitored Distributor one and  his initial 8 recruits we did not add other that he was personally continuing to recruit and how his organization was growing in other directions too.

As his organisation grows with his continuing recruitment and as some of his more successful recruits break away from him and are independent the MLM organisation grows bigger by the day. The Breakaway organizations are the new clusters and they too contine to expand by the day. 

That is how successful MLM organizations grow. 



 The Covid 19 virus is more efficient and brutal then the MLM distributor.

With the MLM distributor you have a choice you can say 'Sorry I do not want to Join your Business' and that's it.

With the Virus you can't say that it forces itself into you whether you want it or not, id does not ask your permission, it steals itself into your body without you even knowing it, and the in the process uses you and your body to spread itself to others before even know you have been infected, so much so the speed of recruiting newly infected persons is so fast if we do not watch it we could be infecting thousands and even hundreds of thousands daily as is seen in Brazil, India, USA, and other countries.

Today to make us feel comfortable Muhyiddin is talking about the vaccine when in truth no vaccine has been approved and that means there is no vaccine in sight.

Muhyiddin is counting his chickens before the hen has even begun laying its eggs so to speak.

These are most certainly desperate statements and measures when he is frantically trying to find a way out of a situation he and his government has created.

Today's numbers are nearing 700, I have said earlier in my WhatsApp and Facebook posts that I expect this figure to exceed 1000 before the end of this month I'd like to now change that estimate of mine an tell you it will exceed 3000 by the end of the month if he does nto go for a total lock down like we did in March.

In March following the Tabligh cluster the numbers where not that high, we managed to trace people and clusters  because movement was completely restricted except for essential services, we did it and we won.

Muhyiddin has no choice, he can't be so stupidly defensive and sacrifice lives of Malaysians like he is now doing.

He was defensive, played ignorant and passed the buck when questioned about ministers breaking the rules of public behaviour during these Covid times.

At today's hastily convened press conference he  pretends everything is overboard, then why the delay in the investigations on Khairuddin, why this delay to get to the bottom of the case, and why preferential treatment for Khairuddin.

                                      Will this minister be left off the hook? after all he has donated a substantial sum to his party

What about Wee Ka Siong and his wrist band?

If not Wee Ka Siong get the Doctor. Barely 8 days after he returned from Sabah he Wee Ka

                                                  Preferential Treatment or sheer Arrogance
Siong had his hand band removed by the doctor, who he claims told him he does not need it and that he was not infected. Wee went on to  claim he had done two tests.

Ordinary men on the street will tell you that the period of isolation is supposed to be 14 days in Malaysia although the  WHO says

The virus can manifest itself at anytime in the 13 or 14 day window regardless of the number of tests you do in between and this idiot thinks we are idiots like  him and he can fool us.

We do not want change of protocols to cater for Wee Ka Siong, we are seeing some with the  Chief Minister of Sabah,we must stop changing goalposts.

Total MCO or we are doomed.

Without total MCO workers are traveling, within districts we have red zones in mukims it is inevitable that some of them will bring the disease from some of their mukims to the workplace and pass it on to their colleagues, who in turn will take it home and pas it to their family members and the spread like I described in the MLM case will continue, it becomes exponential, it already is in the Klang Valley we are seeing the daily rise, this is how it will manifest itself, in a graph.

Almost all new clusters in the country are from Sabah returnees, this is what was reported by the Health Director General Dr. Hisham Noor in the Malay Mail and I quote, " A total of 23 Covid 19 clusters were created nationwide by index cases who had a history of traveling to Sabah," these were for people who left the state after the 21st September.
"Even though the Health Ministry has conducted Covid-19 screenings against all travellers from Sabah since September 27, 2020 and issued Home Surveillance Orders until a negative result is provided, cases and clusters related to this group are still being reported,” he said in his daily press conference".....Dr.Noor Hashim Malay Mail 10/13/20202

The Virus is here, it is all around as you can see, the CMCO is going to allow it to spread even more.

The Buck stops at the top it tops with Muhyiddin

Muhyiddin has created the situation in more ways than one. 

He did not handle the Sabah elections in a proper manner, his move via proxies and cronies in Sabah to force the election has failed the people.

Muhyiddin did not ensure that all returnees from Sabah were put into islolation for 14 days.

Muhyiddin allowed two of his ministers  namely Khairuddin and Wee Ka Siong to knowingly flout the rules of control and in so doing these individuals have set a very bad precedent for others to follow because to this day no acion has been taken.

Muhyiddin is afraid of the financial consequences of his actions and so does not dare declare an MCO.

He is not capable of making sound financial decisions nor is he supported by a capable Finance Minister.

As the Prime Minister he is left with but two choices, don't call for an MCO and allow more people to suffer the consequences of his inaction or;

Call for an MCO and suffer the economic consequences caused by his own stupidity and lack of foresight.

Muhyiddin will not have sufficient Hospitals, Front liners, Beds and Doctors to handle the situation, he should not bluff himself and the people with the "Vaccine" it is non existent for now at least, when it will be is anybody's guest.


When figures exceed 1000 per day, the escalation will be at a much faster rate, the daily incremental figure will run in three digits not two, then Muhyiddin we will have no alternative but to go for total MCO and by then the costs to control the disease will be phenomenal.

Has Muhyddin even considered this?

My take is he hasn't because he thinks it will never happen.

























Unknown said…
They are brainless politicians so what to expect from them

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