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 By X'roy Bogel



    Looks like there is something seriously wrong. Senile?


After all the twists and turns in the relationship between Mahathir and Anwar Ibrahim one thing has become abundantly clear, Mahathir is fearful of Anwar Ibrahim becoming Prime Minister of Malaysia

After sacking Anwar from his position in both Government and UNO Mahathir was of the opinion that time will push Anwar out of the limelight and that he'd be forgotten he assumed Anwar will eventually fade away into oblivion

Time has now proved Mahathir wrong  because now 22 years after that sacking, Anwar Ibrahim has proved to be more relevant than Mahathir Mohammed, hsi son Mukhriz and many others  in Malaysian politics and looks like the best candidate available for the position of Malaysian Prime Minister today.

The Malays in particular should sit up and think intelligently. They have to put on their intelligent thinking cap and give Anwar Ibrahim serious consideration, not because Anwar deserves it but rather because they and their children and their children's children require it.

All Malaysian's require to give Anwar serious consideration.

Remember in one of my earlier articels on Mahathir I said he was a great follower of Hitler I  willeven clai that the Mein Kampf is his own personal "Holy Book" 

Well when you consider Mahathir Moahmmed look at his recent history from the time before the General Elections till now and consider his character with this in fact consider hsi character with his entire history and you'll find this to be true of him;
"never admit a fault or wrong; never concede that there may be some good in your enemy; never leave room for alternatives; never accept blame; concentrate on one enemy at a time and blame him for everything that goes wrong; people will believe a big lie sooner than a little one; and if you repeat it frequently enough people will sooner or later believe it." Adolf Hitler

This has been and still is the Mahatherism ideology I could go on and write an entire artilce on this with specifics.

                                                 The hypocricy that is Mahathir Mohammed

In 1998 when Anwar was sacked from his position many Malays came out openly to voice their support of Anwar Ibrahim. 

One of my executives working for me who was a strong UMNO member and used to take leave during the UMNO AGM's and other important UMNO gatherings told me this when I told her not to bring politics to the workplace, she looked at me and said,  "it can cost me my job but as long as I encounter another Malay here or outside the working premises I will drive home the point that country comes first and as such our support for UMNO must be total." This young lady left UMNO to join PKR.

The Malays then were totally behind Anwar., Mahathir, his cronies and the the rest were not in  a position then to use the gravy train after the collapse of the Malaysian economy in 1997 to buy back their support and the Malays  were in no mood to be bought either.

Anwar was sacked not because of his sexual preference if that really was the cause, but because he was taking on Mahathir and he was showing signs of challenging Mahathir for the position of UMNO presidency with is cries of wiping out "Nepotism, Cronyism and Corruption" all of which had become the conerstone of UMNO politics and had permeated the very fabric of UMNO and the Malaysian Government.

Through Nepotism  Mahathir's children had become Billionaires overnight and with the crash of the economy his sons investments and Companies were in deep trouble it was said and is still being said,  Mahathir instructed Anwar to make the necessary arrangements to bail him (Mahathir's Son) and others out. 

Anwar was then the finance Minister and he refused, his refusal was the right decision, Anwar stood his ground and following that Mahathir whose son was in dire straits decided to act.

On September 2nd 1998 Mahathir Mohammed sacked Aanwar Ibrahim on the grounds of Corruption and Sodomy.

The following day Anwar issued this statement;   

                                              Why is he Mahathir's constant nightmare?

"I have been given an Ultimatum, either to resign or face the consequences of being sacked and the possibility of charges leveled against me... but I have made it clear in no uncertain terms that I am not prepared to submit to this political conspiracy to undermine my position and defeat me through nasty schemes."

Now we must read Mahathir's statement following that sacking and it will reveal how genuine he is really as a person. On Anwar's sacking this is what he told the press, even the International press;

"I was convinced and I consider that he was not qualified to lead the country, not because of his differences with me over politics or economic practice but because his character does not qualify him to become a leader of a country like Malaysia"

Then he went on further to say and this is where Mahathir's hypocrisy reveals itself:

"What I said is based on facts. I don't do this to a person who has been literally brought up by me to succeed me - my friend. Why should I do it to him. I have loads of enemies and I would like to do that to my enemies. I don't choose my friend, I don't choose an accusation that is so difficult to explain and so difficult for the people to accept."

Twenty years later to come back to office this is what eh agree upon that he would be an interim Prime Minister till Anwar Ibrahim was released from Jail then he would hand the position of Prime Minister to Anwar Ibrahim.

He had made a pact with the man whom he sacked and whom he sad, "his character does not qualify him to become the Prime Minister of Malaysia", 20 years earlier. 

His greed for power and to regain the position of Prime Minister and then pursue his goal of making his son Mukhriz  a Prime Minister in his lifetime,  got him to mend the fence with his archenemy. He did mend the fence with Anwar but with ulterior motives which are being exposed to this day of  this senile wicked and evil man.

Today yes many Malays forgot what happened to Anwar Ibrahim, Sodomy was a good case because the Mlays in the country respected Anwar as a  staunch Muslim, the founder of ABIM and a threat to UMNO then in Mahathirs' time Mahathir sought out Anwar and brought him to UMNO so that he could continue his tenure in government unabated.

He used Anwar as a front to intimidate Musa Hitam and anger Musa Hitam, and although Musa may not completely agree with it Anwar's presence and his role in Government were one of the cardinal reasons Musa resigned from Government.

On countless ocassions Mahahtir  had assured the local press that when he stepped down he would hand over the government to Anwar Ibrahim if he was a man of his word that is exactly what he would have done,   by way of making Wan Azizah his successor and she in turn making Anwar the Deputy and the resigning and handing over Offgice to him, or alternatively to get Wan Azizah to resign and appointing Anwar as DPM and then stepping down handing the reins to Anwar.

He was fully aware that there was trouble in PKR with Anwar and and yet he decided to send his resignation to the Agung at  time when the DAP and PKR were asking him to give a date as the when he was going to hand over power.

His resignation was planned with Muhyiddin and Azmin but he decided to turn back when he knew that Najib and zahid would still be in the UMNO that was joining him,he says he was under the impression the UMNO members would cross over to PPBM, if that  was the case I must add, "what an idiot."

Then he gave a lot of excuses so strange no one could believe, some decided not to challenge that in the hope they'd still get th3e numbers and forma government, there too he palyed hsi usual tricks promising one thing one time and then doing another the next, there is no need to go intot he detaisl it is all there we have all witnessed it.

Now out of nowhere after even complaining that Anwar had not invited him to join his new coalition, he is sso desperate to make sure the Malays do not make Anwar Ibrahim the next Prime Minister of Malaysia.

Could it be because Anwar has the treasure chest of knowledge to show UMNO and the whole world that Mahathir is the most corrupt politician who has ruled this country.

Why is so many top UMNO leaders are afraid of Anwar becoming Proime Ministers. 

The Malays must question this and use their thinking caps, do not be influenced by the corrupt, in  Sept 2, 2004 - Anwar was  freed after Federal Court acquited him  of sodomy.  

That was Sodomy 1 that was teh one with Mahathir sacked him, and later during the term of Abdullah Ahmad Badawi  the Lingam case exposed a lot of what behind the scenes with our Judiciary and Lingam was one of Mahathir's lawyers and that inquiry we all remember how Mahathir forgot what he wanted to forget and remembered what he wanted to.

The senility displayed at the Lingam game suddenly got cured when he wanted to become Prime Minister of Malaysia again.

Whatever happens in Malaysia we must all work towards getting Anwar Ibrahim on the Chair of the Prime Minister of Malaysia.

Anwar must not make any deals with Najib, Zahid or even Mahathir Mohamed as there are possible cases of corruption on a very wide scale against Mahathir Mohammed, there must be no deals Anwar is privy to these corrupt practices.

In the run up of the 2013 elections this is what Anwar said ats his ceramah in Taman Sri Andalas in Klang;

Mahathir Mohammed was very corrupt, if I become Prime Minister I am not going to throw him in jail, I will call him up and say look this is what you have taken from the country now you will have to return all of it including interests. 

Now Anwar has to revert from that promise, he must have Maahathir Mohammed thsi slime creature charged and tried to the fullest extent of the law.




The quote alleged to be from Mein Kampf is actually from the United States OSS report describing Hitler's psychological profile. So even the writer uses the Big Lie propaganda technique! Who to believe?

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